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Terraformer Named Profiles with GCP


Armory has implemented the Named Profiles concepts within Spinnaker However, customers may also be hoping to use Named Profiles with Google Cloud Platform.  Armory's Terraformer Named Profiles solution can work with GCP credentials as well.


Please ensure Terraformer is enabled


Attaining the JSON Key File

In order to define credentials, users or admins should have a .json file with the credentials in a pre-defined location. Their credentials can be attained by following the first section the adding credentials section in Terraform's knowledge base: Customers will need to download the JSON key file and store it.  They can do so either in a Credentials Manager or in Kubernetes Secrets.   Once the file is in the appropriate place, it can be referenced by defining the secrets as a token

In Halyard

Customers using Halyard should look to make the following adjustments in the .hal/default/profiles directory by creating or editing their terraformer-local.yml file.  Please ensure the kind name is GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS so that the information can be interpreted properly.  The value should include the secrets location as defined thorough (For example, encrypted:k8s!n:spin-secrets!k:GCPTestCredentials.json)

  • name: gcp-credentials variables:
    • kind: static options: name: GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS value:

In Operator

Customers using Operator should place the following information under spec.spinnakerConfig.profiles.terraformer Please ensure the kind name is GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS so that the information can be interpreted properly.  The value should include the secrets location as defined thorough (For example, encrypted:k8s!n:spin-secrets!k:GCPTestCredentials.json) spec: spinnakerConfig: profiles: terraformer:

  • name: gcp-credentials variables:
    • kind: static options: name: GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS value:


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