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Authenticate Against Jenkins


If you have are trying to authenticate Spinnaker against a Jenkins master that has some third party authentication set up, you have to create an API token for Spinnaker to authenticate against Jenkins.


Access to Jenkins Administration


  • Log into Jenkins* Click on your username (in the top right)* Click on “Configure” (on the left)* Under the “API Token” section, click on “Add new Token”, and “Generate” and record the generated token* Record your username (should be in the URL for the current page - if you’re at, then the username is, as an example, janesmith)Add the Jenkins master to Spinnaker with this:
hal config ci jenkins enable
echo | hal config ci jenkins master add \
--address \
--username \

# Password will be read from stdin​

For example, if the generated token is 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx, and your username is janesmith and you want to identify the Jenkins master as jenkins-prod, then you’d run something like this:

 echo 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx | hal config ci jenkins master add jenkins-prod \
--address \
--username janesmith \
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