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Inbound endpoints

These are the endpoints requested by SDKs when they communicate with the Relay Proxy. These differ depending on whether a client or server SDK is used.

Your protocol, domain, and port may differ depending on your configuration. The URLs below are for a Relay Proxy running locally on the default port 7000 in HTTP mode.

Server SDK

  • POST http://localhost:7000/client/auth authenticates the API key.

  • GET http://localhost:7000/client/client/env/${ENV_ID}/feature-configs fetches flag data.

  • GET http://localhost:7000/client/env/${ENV_ID}/target-segments fetches target group data.

  • GET http://localhost:7000/client/env/${ENV_ID}/stream initializes long-lived stream to listen for events.

  • GET http://localhost:7000/client/env/${ENV_ID}/feature-configs/${FLAG_NAME} fetches updated flag data after a flag stream event comes in.

  • GET http://localhost:7000/client/env/${ENV_ID}/target-segments/${GROUP_NAME} fetches updated target group data after a target group stream event comes in.

  • POST http://localhost:7000/metrics sends SDK metrics to the Relay Proxy, which then collects and forwards these to Harness SaaS.

Client SDK

  • POST http://localhost:7000/client/auth authenticates API key.

  • GET http://localhost:7000/client/client/env/${ENV_ID}/target/${TARGET_IDENTIFIER}/evaluations fetches all evaluations for this target.

  • GET http://localhost:7000/client/env/${ENV_ID}/stream initializes long-lived stream to listen for events.

  • GET http://localhost:7000/client/env/${ENV_ID}/target/${TARGET_IDENTIFIER}/evaluations/${FLAG_IDENTIFIER} fetches updated flag evaluation after a flag stream event is received .

  • POST http://localhost:7000/metrics sends SDK metrics to the Relay Proxy which then collects and forwards these to Harness SaaS.

Other Endpoints

  • GET http://localhost:7000/health returns details on the health of the Relay Proxy instance and its dependencies.


By default all requests to the proxy are made using HTTP on port 7000. You can configure this—see Configuration for details.

The /stream request is a long-lived SSE connection that receives messages over time, and may need special network configuration to be allowed in corporate environments. Optionally, SDKs can disable streaming and poll on an interval for updates instead. Go to the documentation for your SDK for details.


This will depend on where you run your Relay Proxy.

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