You can build and test a Python application using a Linux platform on Harness Cloud or a self-managed Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure.
This guide assumes you've created a Harness CI pipeline.
Install dependencies
Use Run steps to install dependencies in the build environment.
- Harness Cloud
- Self-managed
- step:
type: Run
identifier: dependencies
name: Dependencies
shell: Sh
command: |-
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
PIP_CACHE_DIR: "/root/.cache"
- step:
type: Run
identifier: dependencies
name: Dependencies
connectorRef: account.harnessImage
image: python:latest
command: |-
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Background steps can be used to run dependent services that are needed by steps in the same stage.
Cache dependencies
Add caching to your stage.
- Cache Intelligence
- Save and Restore Cache steps
Cache your Python module dependencies with Cache Intelligence.
Add caching to your stage.spec
- stage:
enabled: true
key: cache-{{ checksum "requirements.txt" }}
- "/root/.cache"
- /root/.cache
You can use built-in steps to:
Python cache key and path requirements
YAML example: Save and restore cache steps
Run tests
You can use Run and Test steps to run tests in Harness CI.
These examples run tests in a Run step.
- Harness Cloud
- Self-managed
- step:
type: Run
name: Test
identifier: test
shell: Sh
command: |-
pip install pytest
pytest --junit-xml=report.xml
PIP_CACHE_DIR: /root/.cache
- step:
type: Run
name: Test
identifier: test
connectorRef: account.harnessImage
image: python:latest
shell: Sh
command: |-
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install pytest
pytest --junit-xml=report.xml
Visualize test results
If you want to view test results in Harness, make sure your test commands produce reports in JUnit XML format.
If you run tests in a Run step, your Run step must include the reports
specification. The reports
specification is not required for Test steps (Test Intelligence).
type: JUnit
- report.xml
Run tests with Test Intelligence
Test Intelligence is available for Python.
- step:
type: Test
name: runTestsWithIntelligence
identifier: runTestsWithIntelligence
connectorRef: account.harnessImage
image: python:latest
command: |-
python3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements/test.txt
python3 -m pip install -e .
shell: Python
intelligenceMode: true
Test splitting
Harness CI supports test splitting (parallelism) for both Run and Test steps.
Specify version
- Harness Cloud
- Self-managed
Python is pre-installed on Harness Cloud runners. For details about all available tools and versions, go to Platforms and image specifications.
If your application requires a specific Python version, add a Run or GitHub Action step to install it.
Use the setup-python action in a GitHub Action step to install the required Python version.
You will need a personal access token, stored as a secret, with read-only access for GitHub authentication.
Install one Python version
Install multiple Python versions
Specify the desired Python Docker image tag in your steps. There is no need for a separate install step when using Docker.
Use a specific Python version
Use multiple Python versions
Full pipeline examples
The following full pipeline examples are based on the partial examples above.
- Harness Cloud
- Self-managed
This pipeline uses Harness Cloud build infrastructure and Cache Intelligence.
If you copy this example, replace the placeholder values with appropriate values for your code repo connector and repository name. Depending on your project and organization, you may also need to replace projectIdentifier
and orgIdentifier
Pipeline with default Python version
Pipeline with multiple Python versions
If you copy this example, replace the placeholder values with appropriate values for your code repo connector, kubernetes cluster connector, kubernetes namespace, and repository name. Depending on your project and organization, you may also need to replace projectIdentifier
and orgIdentifier
Pipeline with one specific Python version
Pipeline with multiple Python versions
Next steps
Now that you have created a pipeline that builds and tests a Python app, you could:
- Create triggers to automatically run your pipeline.
- Add steps to build and upload artifacts.
- Add a step to build and push an image to a Docker registry.