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Troubleshooting guide

This guide provides tips and solutions for common ingestion satellite issues. Follow these steps to identify and resolve problems efficiently.

Debugging steps

When troubleshooting issues with Satellite, following the best practices can help simplify the process and ensure effective resolution of problems. This section outlines the steps to debug Satellite related issues, including tips for identifying and resolving common issues.

Step 1: Verify configuration files

First, verify your configuration files are correct and up-to-date.

Provide the absolute path to the YAML file.

You can confirm this by SSH-ing into the container or pod and checking the configuration file contents.

docker exec -ti <container-id> -- bashcat config.yaml

Step 2: Check indentation and special characters in YAML files

YAML files require precise formatting. Common issues to check:

  • Proper indentation (use spaces, not tabs)
  • Correct special character escaping
  • Quote handling

Examples of correct vs incorrect escaping:

  • USER\NAME (correct)
  • USER\\NAME (incorrect)

Pro Tip: Use a YAML linter to catch formatting issues early.

Step 3: Disable SSL validation (Optional)

If you encounter issues related to SSL certificates, consider disabling SSL validation temporarily. Add allow_unsafe_ssl: true under the jira section in the root section of the YAML file.

allow_unsafe_ssl: true
at the root of the yaml file:
allow_unsafe_ssl: true
url: ...
- id: 1
type: jira

Step 4: Monitor logs

Logs are crucial for understanding Satellite's behavior. Check the logs of relevant containers or pods to identify any error messages or warnings.

docker logs -f <container-name>

Step 5: Inspect containers and pods

Inspect containers and pods to gather detailed information about their state, performance, and network configurations.

docker inspect <container-name>

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to set up a ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding for the Satellite in Kubernetes?

No. These are not required unless you plan to utilize Kubernetes capabilities within your runbooks. If you don't need Kubernetes integration, you can omit them.

Why is the Satellite configuration stored as a ConfigMap instead of a Secret?

While the documentation provides an example with a ConfigMap for ease of use and visualization, it's not a strict recommendation. Storing sensitive information, like credentials, in a Secret is a valid and more secure option. You can choose the storage method that best suits your security requirements.

Can I specify a specific tag when running the Satellite image instead of using the latest tag?

Yes, you can run the Satellite image with a specific tag to lock down the version. New versions of the Satellite can be found here.

How can I add certificate authorities to the Satellite image? Can I use an internal image as a base?

To add certificate authorities to a Satellite image and enable it to use an internal image as a base, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Copy the truststore from the container to a temporary location:
docker cp <container-name>:/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/java/cacerts /tmp/cacerts
  1. Verify that the truststore is readable by listing existing certificates:
keytool -list -keystore /tmp/cacerts -storepass changeit
  1. Change the keystore permissions to allow modification:
chmod +w /tmp/cacerts
  1. Add a certificate (PEM) to the truststore:
keytool -importcert -file <my-crt-file-location> -noprompt -alias <my-alias> -keystore /tmp/cacerts -storepass changeit
  1. Change the keystore permissions back to read-only:
chmod -w /tmp/cacerts
  1. Mount the cacerts binary (truststore) as a volume in the container with the suggested path /opt/cacerts.
  2. Add the JVM_OPTS environment variable to the container with the following settings:
JVM_OPTS="-XX:MinRAMPercentage=20.0 -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=90.0"

Why do I need to provide a valid SSL certificate when using HTTPS with a proxy and Satellite?

HTTPS ensures secure communication between your proxy server and Satellite. To build this secure connection, a valid SSL certificate is required. This certificate helps verify the identity of the proxy and encrypts the data exchanged.

How can I configure SSL certificates when building my own image for the proxy?

You can configure SSL certificates for your proxy image using the following Dockerfile instructions:

COPY --from=base /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/java/cacerts /opt/cacerts
RUN chmod +w /opt/cacerts
RUN keytool -importcert -file /opt/proxy_cert.pem -noprompt -alias proxy_ca -keystore /opt/cacerts -storepass changeit
RUN chmod -w /opt/cacerts

Can I manually copy my SSL certificate to the proxy container if I prefer not to build my own image?

Yes. Follow these steps to manually copy your SSL certificate to the proxy container:

  1. Get the truststore from the container:
docker cp <container-name>:/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/java/cacerts /tmp/cacerts
  1. List existing certificates in the truststore:
keytool -list -keystore /tmp/cacerts -storepass changeit
  1. Change the truststore permissions:
chmod +w /tmp/cacerts
  1. Add your SSL certificate to the truststore:
keytool -importcert -file <my-crt-file-location> -noprompt -alias <my-alias> -keystore /tmp/cacerts -storepass changeit
  1. Restore the original truststore permissions:
chmod -w /tmp/cacerts
  1. Put the modified truststore back into the container:
docker cp /tmp/cacerts <container-name>:/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/java/cacerts

Make sure to replace the following placeholders:

  • <container-name>: Replace this with the name or ID of your proxy container.
  • <my-crt-file-location>: Replace this with the file path to your SSL certificate file.
  • <my-alias>: Replace this with an alias for your SSL certificate in the truststore.

Can I configure a single satellite container to support multiple integrations? If so, what should the YAML configuration file look like?

Yes, a single satellite container can support multiple integrations. You can define each integration within the same YAML file, and the satellite will handle data ingestion for each specified service. Below is a YAML example that demonstrates how to configure multiple integration in this scenario Jira and BitBucket in a single satellite container.

tenant: <ACCOUNT_ID>
api_key: <SEI_API_KEY>
url: ""
# Note that this URL is relative to the Environment of your Harness Account.

# BitBucket Integration
application: bitbucket_server
fetch_prs: true
fetch_pr_reviews: true
fetch_commits: true
fetch_commit_files: true
satellite: true

# Jira Integration
application: jira
timezone: '<TIMEZONE>'
- description
- userDetails

allow_unsafe_ssl: true

Can a single satellite support multiple instances for an integration, e.g. a production and non-production instance? (Scenario #1)

Yes, a single satellite can support multiple instances, including production (prod) and non-production (non-prod) environments. However, it’s important to allocate sufficient CPU and memory to the satellite’s Docker container to accommodate the additional jobs that multiple integrations may require.

Each satellite has a fixed number of threads, so adding more integrations may not significantly impact the overall resources but requires monitoring to ensure sufficient performance.

Can a single VM host multiple satellites, each connecting to different instances? (Scenario #2)

Yes. It is possible to run multiple satellites on a single VM, and each satellite can connect to a different instance. The satellite is distributed as a Docker container, and multiple containers can coexist on the same VM. This allows you to manage multiple integrations with different Gitlab instances from a single virtual machine.

Would VM sizing recommendations differ between single vs. multiple satellites?

For Scenario #1 (a single satellite managing multiple GitLab instances), fewer resources may be required compared to Scenario #2 (multiple satellites on a single VM), as only one satellite process runs in Scenario #1. This results in lower overhead.

However, for both scenarios, resource allocation should be based on observed workload. Monitoring CPU and memory usage is essential to ensure the infrastructure can handle the size of data ingested as part of the integration.

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