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Overview of TechDocs Plugins

TechDocs supports a variety of MkDocs plugins. Here's an overview of all the plugins supported in Harness IDP.

TechDocs Core PLugins:

The techdocs-core plugin serves as an all-in-one solution for generating high-quality documentation using MkDocs within Harness IDP. It integrates several key plugins to provide enhanced functionality, eliminating the need to configure them individually.

Plugins Included in techdocs-core

  • mkdocs-material
  • markdown_inline_graphviz_extension
  • mkdocs-monorepo-plugin
  • plantuml-markdown
  • mdx_truly_sane_lists
  • pymdown-extensions
  • pygments
  • mkdocs-redirects

Using any of the above plugins individually under the mkdocs.yml plugins section will result in an error: plugin not installed It is recommended to use the techdocs-core plugin to access the features of the listed plugins.

Other Plugins Supported

1. mkdocs-video

Allows embedding videos directly in Markdown content.


  • Simplifies embedding videos from external sources (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo).
  • Supports videos hosted on custom domains.

Use Case:

  • Helpful for embedding tutorials, walkthroughs, or presentations in documentation.
  • Embed videos with ease by using the video shortcode:
### Embedded Video

<video controls>
<source src="" type="video/mp4">
  • For YouTube videos:
### YouTube Video


2. mkdocstrings[crystal,python,vba]:

Auto-generates documentation for code directly from docstrings in your source files.This specifies additional language-specific parsers:

  • Crystal: Supports docstring extraction for Crystal projects.
  • Python: Processes Python docstrings for classes, functions, and modules.
  • VBA: Handles VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) docstrings.


  • Supports multiple programming languages (e.g., Python, Crystal, VBA).
  • Integrates well with MkDocs to provide API documentation.

Use Case:

  • Ideal for documenting APIs or libraries where docstrings are already maintained in the source code.
  • Write docstrings in your code:
def greet(name: str) -> str:
Greets the user.

name (str): Name of the user.

str: A greeting message.
return f"Hello, {name}!"

The plugin automatically generates documentation for such functions/classes. In Markdown, you can add placeholders to display the generated content:

::: my_package.my_module.greet
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